Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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298 lines
T.M. 07/10/92
Current functions in TMCEL:
√ 1. COO() - calculates Cost of Operation of Elec. Device
√ 2. EIR() - convert Current/Resistance to Voltage
3. EPI() - convert Wattage/Current to Voltage
4. EPR() - convert Wattage/Resistance to Voltage
5. F2M() - convert Frequency to Meters
6. IER() - convert Voltage/Resistance to Current
7. IPE() - convert Wattage/Voltage to Current
√ 8. IPR() - convert Wattage/Resistance to Current
9. LRC() - LED Resistor Calculator
10. M2F() - convert Meters to Frequency
11. PEI() - convert Voltage/Current to Wattage
12. PER() - convert Voltage/Resistance to Wattage
√ 13. PIR() - convert Current/Resistance to Wattage
14. R2() - calculate the value of 2 parallel resistors
15. REI() - convert Voltage/Current to Resistance
16. REP() - convert Voltage/Wattage to Resistance
17. RPI() - convert Wattage/Current to Resistance
18. VA2W() - converts Volt-Amperes to Watts
19. W2VA() - converts Watts to Volt-Amperes
1. OGC() - Op-amp Gain Control calculation
2. PHONTONE() - display & produce ALL tone-pairs of phone
3. RDT60() - reverberation delay time at a 60db drop
4. SNGLTNE() - produce (1) tone-pair of the phone system
5. VDELAY() - velocity delay of sound in seconds
6. WAVDIST() - wavelength of a specific freq. in distance
√ 1. ATN() - ARCTANGENT math function
2. BIN2DEC() - convert from BINary to DECimal
3. BIN2HEX() - convert from BINary to HEX
4. CHKAMNT() - convert an numeric dollar amount to text
5. COS() - COSINE math function
6. DEC2BIN() - convert from DECimal to BINary
7. DEC2HEX() - convert from DECimal to HEX
√ 8. DEG() - will return the DEGREES of a Radian number
9. HEX2BIN() - convert from HEX to BINary
10. HEX2DEC() - convert from HEX to DECimal
11. KTOM() - convert Kilometers to Miles (statute)
√ 12. LOG10() - LOG10 math function
13. MOD() - returns the modulus of X MOD Y
14. MTOK() - convert miles (statute) to Kilometers
√ 15. NODIV0() - keeps one from the dreaded Divide-by-Zero
√ 16. PI() - just returns PI π, or PI(n) for n # of times
17. POWER() - raise a specific number, to a specific Power
18. RAD() - will return the RADIANS of a Degree number
19. RANDUM() - a random number generator
√ 20. ROUNDIT() - replaces the ROUND() function of Clipper!
21. SGN() - returns the SIGN of a number
22. SIN() - SINE math function
23. SQR() - returns the SQUARE of a number
24. TAN() - TANGENT math function
√ 1. BOM() - begining of month
2. BONM() - begining of next month
3. BOPY() - begining of previous year
4. BOW() - begining of week
5. BOY() - beginning of year
√ 6. DATETST() - check to see if a date field is empty
√ 7. DTOW() - convert a numeric date to month with words
8. EOLM() - end of last month
9. EOM() - end of month
10. EOPY() - end of previous month
11. EOW() - end of week
12. EOY() - end of year
13. JULDAYS() - display current/past Julian days
14. LEAPYR() - will return True/False on a Leap Year
15. MNTHCAL() - display one month, with or without a window
16. NDIN2Y() - gives the # of days were into a year
17. NDINM() - number of days in a chosen month
18. THETIME() - display the Standard time, with A.M., P.M.
√ 19. TTOW() - convert time of day, into appropriate word
20. VLDDATE() - point to a valid date
21. WOFM() - find week of the month
√ 22. YRDATE() - returns the year as 2 or 4 digits
1. ADVRTIZE() - top-to-bottom message strober
√ 2. BOXIT() - draw a simple box on console
3. BYEWIN() - blows-off the window
4. CENTER() - center a msg. on the console
5. CHKCOLR() - test for color monitor with optionional
6. CLRTHIS() - clear the console with special effects
7. DROPBOX() - drop-down box onto console
8. DROPCHR() - Drop characters on console to certain position
√ 9. ERRMSG() - Display an error message
10. EXPAND() - expand a sentence out, from the center
11. HIBAKBIT() - used to either Blink, or set Hi-Intensity
Bit ON, for Background Colors
12. KILBOX() - delete box instantly on console
13. KILWIN() - implode the exploded window
14. MAKBOX() - instant box on the console
15. MAKWIN() - explode a window on the console
16. POPBOX() - pop-up box onto console
√ 17. SCANUP() - roll-up text on the console
18. SHADWIN() - add a Window with a shadow
19. STRECH() - strech-out a line of text (i.e. T E X T)
20. TICKERT() - performs a right-to-left character scan
21. VMENU() - verticle display menu system
√ 22. YESNO() - ask a Yes/No question
23. YESNO2() - ask a Yes/No question #2
1. CTOF() - convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
2. FTOC() - convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
3. HPWF() - calculates to horsepower of a waterfall
4. L2THD() - calculate distance from time between seeing
Lightning, and hearing Thunder
5. WNDCHIL() - calculates the WindChill Factor
1. FILELOK() - Will Lock a File on a Network
2. NETAVL() - Will check to see if a File is available
3. RECLOK() - Will Lock a Record on a Network
√ 1. AGE() - calculate any Age, from any Date
2. ALARMS() - collection of various Alarms - Bells - Tunes
3. ANSICHK() - checks to see if ANSI.SYS is loaded
√ 4. BEEPS() - sound a tone n times at 1-second intervals
5. CHKCNFG() - checks your Files & Buffers for a specific #s
6. CHKENV() - checks "SET CLIPPER=" for specific values
7. CHKMEM - display amount of current memory inside a
program [ CALL EXTERNAL ]
√ 8. DELAY() - will delay specific # of seconds on any PC
9. DSKCHK() - checks to see if enough FREE space is
on a disk to do a file backup.
10. FLDCNT() - counts the number of fields in a database
11. INDXBAR() - shows how far into an index, with graph-bar
12. INT2STR() - convert an integer to a string
√ 13. LIN() - used to skip n lines on printer or console
14. MSGON()/OFF() - display a message with a Flashing Elipses
15. PADLEFT() - pad a character string left with a fill char.
16. PADRGHT() - pad a character string right with a fill char.
√ 17. PADSPAC() - pad a character string with spaces, or chop
18. PASSCHK() - password checker
19. PERCENT() - Displays a %, of how far into a PACK/USEs
20. PICKIT() - Picklist validator - for ACHOICE()
21. PRNTOK() - checks on status of Printer
√ 22. PRTOF() - checks to see if Printer is at TOF, else
23. PULLOUT() - pullout any data from a specific position
in a string.
24. RANDFIL() - random file creater
25. SERIAL() - returns the serial number of your TMCEL.LIB
26. THEPATH() - will seek and display the PATH of a file
√ 27. VERTMCL() - returns version of TMCEL.LIB
28. VLD_AC() - Validates a phones Areacode number
29. VLD_CAN() - Validates a Canadian Province Code
30. VLD_ST() - Validates a STates 2-digit code
√ = available ONLY; (26 functions) in ShareWare version.